March Tea Offerings, Tea Classes, Tea Tastings | Heavens Tea ...
?Let Tea Drink You, She Will Whisper The Secrets Of Self-Nature Into Your Ear,
And You Will Become Something Else?
Welcome to March, 2013 at Heavens Tea and Sacred Arts Center. Our goal is to transmit a deep, living experience of the tea plant, educate and give an experience that is trasformational, healing and restoring. Tea is sacred medicine, we specialize in rare teas which have a great amount of chi or life force. These teas are calming and have the ability to shift us into deeper, more profound states of awareness, clear blocks in the mind, body and spirit. They also have flavor and aroma profiles that are beyond belief, each tea a whole world for the senses to explore. Our tea sessions include things of beauty to awaken all the seneses: flowers, music, dark chocolate, candles, incense in a setting of beauty and elegance. All sesssions by reservation only 503-230-0953 or
We have one of the largest selection of rare teas avaiable to the public in the country including over 100 aged teas between 10-40 years old and over 150 different puerh teas. We work with teas grown in immaculate places where biodiversity, terrior and skilled old school craftsmanship come together to produce teas that having a powerful living chemistry which deeply nourishes the body and opens the being. Our many classes and sessions teach both the classical arts of Chinese tea and the spiritual, inner aspects of way of tea. My goal is to give others the tools for making tea their own art and to support the growth of tea culture in the states.
Please contact me for Private Tea Journeys as these are my high art and are an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. In these journeys, I choose teas suited to the energies of the day, your state as you enter, and the intent of the session. These sessions are an amazing energetic journey and are profoundly opening, healing and restorative. They can be scheduled for any time. I also am avaialble for private classes focusing on specific aspects of cha dao, the way of tea. Tea may also be schedualed as a part of ritual transitions in peoples lives including weddings, funerals, births, family gatherings, etc.
Tea is about making every moment special, so come join me for tea and transform yoru day! For private sessions I am often available at a moments notice, so if you are feeling in the moment for something special, just call me and often you can come right over- spontaneity and the flow in the moment is a part of the way of tea. Give the gift of a very special experience-gift certificates are available.
Monday 11, 7pm. Beauty in a Cup, the Art of Asian Tea Ware. We will explore a variety of antique and modern tea ware and learn the appropriate way to use each one and what kind of teas suit what kind of vessels. Feel free to bring questions or even teas that you are curious on how to brew. Each type of vessel will bring out different qualities of your teas and it is a fun exploration to play with tea ware. $35, by reservation 503-230-0953
Wednesday 13th, Morning 8-915am. Sacred Tea and Meditation Sessions:We will spend the first half of the session drinking rare herbs and aged puerh which will move you efforlessly into a state of deep calm and expansion. We will then meditate for 40 minutes. You will love this, it is a beautiful way to start the day. No meditation experince is nessesary, leave the driving to me! 15-30$ suggested donation. Please call to reserve a spot.
Wednesday 13th, 7-830pm: Using Teas in Conjunction with Healing Practices. High quality tea, from clean biodiverse sources can have tremendous capacity for bringing patients quickly into a quiet, deep , open place from which they can ask for and recieve what they really need to be healed. The teas can also help the healing process through their ability to open channels and removes blocks on many levels from the system. Come learn more. $35/person
Thursday 14th, 7pm. Drinking The Forest, A Session of Puerh. On this eve we will drink and learn about the world of puerh tea. These teas are from the mother tea species in the world and many are from very old trees in wild or semi wild places. We will drink both young teas with clean soft flavors of flowers, fruit and mineral and aged teas with flavors of rich earth, tree bark, cedar, and moss. The younger teas energetically open and brighten the spirit and the aged take you into beautiful states of quiet, and dimensions of spirit and nature. You will feel revitalized, reonnected to your Self and energetically cleared. $35 . by reservation.
Every Friday 15th: Sacred Tea and Taoist Meditation 7-830, at the new Sun Gate Temple, off of Alberta. ( ), a new temple devoted to qigong, yoga, raga singing, and many other healing arts. I will be pouring sacred teas that will open up the meridian system and chakras which will drop you into a deep space and then Ryan Powell will lead us in a beutiful taosit meditation session. 15$-25 donation asked.
Saturday 16th, 7pm.. Tea As Plant Spirit Medicine. Rare teas have an amazing and deep effect on the human mind, body and spirit. We will drink several precious teas and after each one we will have a short meditation to connect to the spirit of the plant. Short discusion will follow, this is truley a healing experience. The variety of vibrations and energies found in teas is truly stunning. We will explore the profound healing and state shifting properties of tea and the potentialities of using tea for inner work and to connect you to the deeper, broader harmonies of nature and creation. $35
Sunday 17th , 4pm: Essence and Tea- Drinking good quality tea can connect to essence: the essential nature of your Self and the essence of each tea plant. The medicine of tea is its ability to give you a deep experience of your own energetics and the harmonies of nature. We will drink rare teas that will bring you into a deep state of Essence, that place out of time and space, where you will experience the delight of Being. In classical tea ceremony, beauty has always had an important role. Here flavors, aromas, sights, enregies and sounds will be be woven into a powerful tea sessionto touch your soul. $35/person
Monday 18th, Sacred Tea and Meditation. 9-1015am. We will spend the first half of the session drinking rare herbs and aged puerh which will move you efforlessly into a state of deep calm and expansion. We will then meditate for 40 minutes. You will love this, it is a beautiful way to start the day. No meditation experince is nessesary, leave the driving to me! 15-30$ suggested donation to cover cost of tea and the tea school operationg costs. Please call to reserve a spot.
Monday 18th, Class: 4pm. Chinese Tea Ritual as a Daily Practice. We will teach you how to create and perform simple but profound tea practice for use in your daily life. A short time with yourself in the morning, to drink tea, connect to your self, the flow of the world that day, and the swirl of life around you is an exceptional tool for grounding and being able to flow with your life. I will work with each person to construct a set up and tea practice that will fit their individual needs, logistics and life style. Make tea a way to connect to your LIFE!, good tea can do this. $35, by reservation 503-230-0953.
Monday 18th, 7pm. Tea As Plant Spirit Medicine. Rare teas have an amazing and deep effect on the human mind, body and spirit. We will drink several precious teas and after each one we will have a short meditation to connect to the spirit of the plant. Short discusion will follow, this is truley a healing experience. The variety of vibrations and energies found in teas is truly stunning. We will explore the profound healing and state shifting properties of tea and the potentialities of using tea for inner work and to connect you to the deeper, broader harmonies of nature and creation. $35
Tuesday 19th, 430-7pm at PDX Haealing Arts Resource Center. (!/pdxharp?fref=ts) I will be doing weekly causal sacred tea sessions at this beautiful Sellwood venue. Just come, there will be all sorts of food and healing arts available. The purpose of these events at HArp are to bring together community around higher vibration events such as healing ,tea food and music.
Wednesday 20th, 8-915am. Sacred Tea and Meditation. We will spend the first half of the session drinking rare herbs and aged puerh which will move you efforlessly into a state of deep calm and expansion. We will then meditate for 40 minutes. You will love this, it is a beautiful way to start the day. No meditation experince is nessesary, leave the driving to me! 15-30$ suggested donation to cover cost of tea and the tea school operationg costs. Please call to reserve a spot.
Wednesday 20th, 7pm. The Family of Tea, The 6 Types of Tea in Asia. Tonight, in our series of our tea fundamentals offerings, you will be introduced to the different kinds of tea in the world: white, green, oolong, black (hong cha), puerh and herbal. We will try each type and learn how to identify and brew these teas and about the differences in character, energy and processing. This is a great background for further tea adventures and as usual we will use rare teas that will soothe your soul and give you wings. $25-35, sliding scale.
Thursday Day, 21st, 2pm. Chinese Tea Ritual as a Daily Practice. Tonight we will teach you how to create and perform simple but profound tea practice for use in your daily life. A short time with yourself in the morning, to drink tea, connect to your self, the flow of the world that day, and the swirl of life around you is an exceptional tool for grounding and being able to flow with your life. I will work with each person to construct a set up and tea practice that will fit their individual needs, logistics and life style. Make tea a way to connect to your LIFE!, good tea can do this. $35, by reservation 503-230-0953
Thursday 21st, 3pm. The Profound Art of Tea. In this class we will explore the art of tea. Tea is simple and profound all at once. I will share with you the methods to make tea your own, ever-expanding art. We will cover many topics and answer all questions icluding teaware, brewing, chi, and the inner practices of tea. This is a chance to learn some of the ?secrets? of tea and open this art up for yourself and for your developing own personaltea practice that fits your life. $35/person.
Friday Day 22nd: 1pm. Tea and Chi, The Art of Vibration. In this session we will drink through a number of teas, each with its own particular energy. Some teas make you still, some active, some meditative, some ecstatic, some drunk. These evenings are like drinking through the notes of a song. We will drink teas from all classes- white, green, oolong, black, puerh and herbal. Many of these teas are grown in very special traditional spots where the combination of mineral, earth, and biodiversity create tea with rich living energies. $35. by reservation 503-230-0953.
Friday 22nd: Sacred Tea and Taoist Meditation 7-830, at the new Sun Gate Temple, off of Alberta. ( ), a new temple devoted to qigong, yoga, raga singing, and many other healing arts. I will be pouring sacred teas that will open up the meridian system and chakras which will drop you into a deep space and then Ryan Powell will lead us in a beutiful taosit meditation session. 15$-25 donation asked.
Saturday Day 23rd, 9-1015am . Sacred Tea and Meditation Session. A wonderful way to start the weekend, grounded and open. We will drink herbs and aged puerh tea for 40 minutes and then sit in meditation for 35 minutes. Feel free to bring any questions. No meditation experience is necessary, the teas will do the work of quieting you and bringing you into the Now. $15-25 donation asked to cover tea costs
Saturday 23rd, 2pm. Tea for Self Cultivation Practices. Rare tea is full of ?chi? or living energy. We will explore some of the various types of chi found in good quality teas. Some teas will make you happy, some ecstatic, some meditative and some will connect you to the vibrancy of life around you. In this session we will explore the various types of chi and you will experience first hand the beautiful range of vibrations, flavors and aromas captured in these rare teas.This is a rare chance to experience these teas and the sacred power of teas for yourself. $35.
Saturday 23rd, 7pm. An old Japanese Geisha Game. I will make rare teas for you with evocotive aromas, energies and flavors, but not tell you what they are at first. Each person must write a poem about the experince the tea gives them and make up a poetic name for the tea. This is really fun and the teas will make you ?tea drunk? so in a way it is like playing 500 year old Kareoke. Let your creative spirits fly and come join me for this. $35
Sunday 24th. 2pm. Plant Spirit Meditation Tea Session. Rare teas have an amazing and deep effect on the human mind, body and spirit. We will drink several precious teas and after each one we will have a short meditation to connect to the spirit of the plant. Short discusion will follow, this is truley a healing experience. The variety of vibrations and energies found in teas is truly stunning. We will explore the profound healing and state shifting properties of tea and the potentialities of using tea for inner work and to connect you to the deeper, broader harmonies of nature and creation. $35
Monday 25th.7pm. Beauty in a Cup, the Art of Asian Tea Ware. We will explore a variety of antique and modern tea ware and learn the appropriate way to use each one and what kind of teas suit what kind of vessels. Feel free to bring questions or even teas that you are curious on how to brew. Each type of vessel will bring out different qualities of your teas and it is a fun exploration to play with tea ware. $35, by reservation 503-230-0953
Tuesday 26th 430-7pm at PDX Haealing Arts Resource Center. (!/pdxharp?fref=ts) I will be doing weekly causal sacred tea sessions at this beautiful Sellwood venue. Just come, there will be all sorts of food and healing arts available. The purpose of these events at HArp are to bring together community around higher vibration events such as healing ,tea food and music. $15/hour to join tea session.
Wednesday 27th, Full Moon at Muse Mansion, Ecsatic Tea, Sacred Moon Ritual with Po and Heather Becket: On this evening we will drink rare teas which will shift us into and open and expansive state. Heather will lead us through octives of ritual during the evening, interspered with profound sacred teas. We will read ecstatic poetry from Persia, Tibet, India and the West (or your own poetry). We will eat chocolate and berries, listen to ecstatic music and howl at the moon! The recognition of cycles of nature is very powerful and being in tune with them can help you in your personal growth and the ease with which you move through life, come join me. $35/person. Limit 7 people. (More deteails to follow)
Thursday 28th, 2:00pm. Beauty in a Cup, the Art of Asian Tea Ware. We will explore a variety of antique and modern tea ware and learn the appropriate way to use each one and what kind of teas suit what kind of vessels. Feel free to bring questions or even teas that you are curious on how to brew. Each type of vessel will bring out different qualities of your teas and it is a fun exploration to play with tea ware. $35, by reservation 503-230-0953.
Thursday 28th: Silent Tea. 7-830pm. This will be a silent tea session. This method will allow you to deeply experience the essence of each tea and you will be amazed at how deep your experience is of the spirit and energetics of each tea. We will drink a variety of rare living teas, each with its own chi and a marvel for the senses. Drinking tea this way will open you up to the world of essences and your own Essence and is a powerful self cultivation tool and plant spirit medicine method. $35/person, by reservation 503-230-0953. Dont miss this. (in new jersey, aka ?shut up tea?)
Friday 29th: 2pm. Tea and Chi, The Art of Vibration. In this session we will drink through a number of teas, each with its own particular energy. Some teas make you still, some active, some meditative, some ecstatic, some drunk. These evenings are like drinking through the notes of a song. We will drink teas from all classes- white, green, oolong, black, puerh and herbal. Many of these teas are grown in very special traditional spots where the combination of mineral, earth, and biodiversity create tea with rich living energies. $35. by reservation 503-230-0953.
Friday 29th: Sacred Tea and Taoist Meditation 7-830, at the new Sun Gate Temple, off of Alberta. ( ), a new temple devoted to qigong, yoga, raga singing, and many other healing arts. I will be pouring sacred teas that will open up the meridian system and chakras which will drop you into a deep space and then Ryan Powell will lead us in a beutiful taosit meditation session. 15$-25 donation asked.
Saturday Day 23rd, 9-1015am . Sacred Tea and Meditation Session. A wonderful way to start the weekend, grounded and open. We will drink herbs and aged puerh tea for 40 minutes and then sit in meditation for 35 minutes. Feel free to bring any questions. No meditation experience is necessary, the teas will do the work of quieting you and bringing you into the Now. $15-25 donation asked to cover tea costs
Saturday 30th, 7pm. Drinking The Forest, a Night of Puerh. On this eve we will drink and learn about the world of puerh tea. These teas are from the mother tea species in the world and many are from very old trees in wild or semi wild places. We will drink both young teas with clean soft flavors of flowers, fruit and mineral and aged teas with flavors of rich earth, tree bark, cedar, and moss. The younger teas energetically open and brighten the spirit and the aged take you into beautiful states of quiet, and dimensions of spirit and nature. $35 . by reservation 503-230-0953
Sunday 31st: 1030-noon. Gung Fu Cha- Classsical Chinese Tea Ceremony. . In this class we will learn the simple yet beautiful style of Chinese tea service. This way of tea allows one to embrace a simple ritual way of tea which will enhace your appreciation and expreince of tea and allow you to give this experience to others. Ritual is an important way for us each day to get re connected to our selves, our lives and our world. During this chaotic time in which we are living these simple acts can give us the grounding we need to move through life and serve others. 25/person.
Sunday 17th, 7pm. Drinking Time, a Night of Aged tea. We will drink precious rare aged teas that are seldom available in the west. Drinking aged teas is a unique experince. These teas are penetrating, healing and will unwind a different sense of time in you. Included will be 25 year old puerh that tastes like moss and cedar, 12 year old lui an black tea that is like drinking smooth stones in a sunlite river (no kidding), oolong that is 20 years old that tastes like a field of flowers in the summer, and several other aged treasures. These teas are low in caffine due to aging, but big in chi or energy. Drinking these old teas is trasformational and will bring you to a very present place in yourself, out of time and space. A rare treat, $40/person.
?Let Tea Drink You, She Will Whisper the Secrets of Self Nature into your ear, and You will be transformed?
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